This very hot gal was arrested for having sex with one of her 14 years old student in the summer of 2004. Debra Lafave was 23 years old at the time.
Blonde bombshell, hot for a teacher, Debra Lafave had sexual intercourse, including oral sex, with the lucky little bastard on four different occasions.
As the trial approached, the boy’s parents worried about their son testifying. It might have hurt his recovery, they said.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???????? Recovering???? Recovering for having the privilege to fuck such a hot piece of pussy at 14 years old!??! Is this a fucking joke??? That’s like recovering from winning a million dollar lottery!!
Lafave faced a sentence of 30 years of prison if convicted. What a fuckin’ bunch of puritan bullshit!!!
John Fitzgibbons, Lafave’s lawyer, stated, “To place Debbie into a Florida state women’s penitentiary, to place an attractive young woman in that kind of hellhole, is like putting a piece of raw meat in with the lions.” Suzanne Goldenberg of The Guardian states that Lafave’s avoidance of jail time is an implicit belief among Americans that Lafave is “too pretty for prison”.
Lafave pleaded guilty under the agreement and was sentenced to three years’ of community control (house arrest) and seven years’ probation. WHAT?
She also had to register as a sex offender. Fuck you!

She had to be on sex offender therapy. Silly American!
Second arrest and trial??? Yes, Lafave was arrested on December 4, 2007, for violating her probation by speaking with a 17-year-old female restaurant co-worker. Is this a fuckin’ joke or what????

Ended her stupid probation earlier and the “victim” AKA lucky bastard’s family appealed the decision which eventually reversed her early probation release.