Jabba the Hutt is about 600 years old, a Hutt crime lord and gangster who employs a retinue of criminals, bounty hunters, smugglers, assassins and bodyguards to operate his criminal empire. In his palace on the desert planet Tatooine, he keeps a host of entertainers at his disposal: slaves, droids and alien creatures. Jabba has a grim sense of humour, an insatiable appetite, and affinities for gambling, slave girls and torture.
He surrounds himself with scantily-clad slave girls of all species, chaining many of them to his dais.

Jabba the Hutt’s Slave Girls?
Jabba the Hut is a fictional character appearing in star wars as the slug alien. He is referred to as a gangster who is naturally ruthless. He lives to be 600 and he is the chief criminal organizer in his town in addition to having slave women. It is estimated he had between 20-30 slave girls.
Modern-day Harem