You certainly know and envy Millionaire Playboy Dan Bilzerian “The Most Interesting Man In The World” loaded with $100 Millions, pussies, and guns.
But did you know the poor man’s Dan Bilzerian.

Timothy John Ward was born in 1965 in Waitara, Taranaki, New Zealand, and is better known as Tim Sharky.
Former big-time loan shark and nightclub owner in Aussie. Tim Sharky Ward is now the self-proclaimed Biggest PiMP in Pattaya, Thailand pimping over 600 Prostitutes. And it is rumoured that Tim still operates independently in the loan business. Tim has visibly amassed considerable wealth, and it is speculated that he is worth over $100 Millions. He regularly flies first class, owns a fleet of sports cars and a number of properties. Many also speculate that he is linked to mafia circles, and that new financial interests remain well hidden from the public eye – hiding behind the facade of a retired, ex gangster who enjoys a quiet life of gym, screwing Thai hookers, and feeding animals. He still owns a property and nightclubs in Australia.
Just looking at all his fleet of luxury cars and his palaces, it’s not hard to believe that you must be worth several dozens of millions of dollars to afford such a leisure lifestyle. $$$$$$:-)$$$$$$
“If You Hurt Animals I Will Hunt You Down !!”