Sex World Records

The biggest and smallest penises

Because measuring penises is often hard to do accurately — yes, we know you exaggerate — there isn’t much reliable data on this topic for the 21st century. The most impressive medically verified penis sets the sex record at 13.5 inches (34 cm) long and 6.25 inches (16 cm) circumference, measured in the early 20th century by Dr. Robert L. Dickenson (seriously!).

The smallest penis ever recorded sets the sex record at 0.39 inches (1 cm). There are a couple of conditions that can leave a man lacking so dramatically in his nether region. One such condition is having a micropenis, where most of the penis actually resides inside the body. The other is a condition called congenital hypoplasia, where the glans of the penis is attached directly to the pubis, so the shaft of the penis doesn’t exist.

In the entire animal kingdom, the humble barnacle has the largest penis in proportion to its body size: A barnacle’s penis is 42 times its own body length. In second place, the Argentine Blue-bill duck has the longest penis relative to its body size. It has the added benefit of being shaped like a corkscrew, so it not only deposits sperm but helps to “screw” any other bird’s semen out. Considering most birds don’t even have penises, the Blue-bill is doing alright.

Whales win the biggest awards, with Rorqual whales sporting 10-foot (3 m) long schlongs, which can be up to 1 foot (30 cm) in diameter. Hippopotamuses and elephants come in at a far second, with penises of up to 2 feet (60 cm) long.

World’s Largest Vagina
The woman with the largest vagina goes to a Scottish giant named Anna Swan. She and her giant husband had a giant baby together. The giant baby’s head was 19 inches (48 cm) in circumference. You do the math.


Farthest ejaculation
The farthest male ejaculation ever recorded was 18’9″ (5.71 m) and was achieved by Horst Schultz from USA. He also holds the records for the greatest height (12 ft 4in) and the greatest speed of ejaculation, or muzzle velocity, with 42.7mph.

The farthest a woman was recorded to ejaculate was 9’29” (3 m).

The average speed of a man’s ejaculation is 28 miles (45.05 km) per hour. The average speed of a city bus is 25 miles (40.22 km) per hour.

The most ejaculations for a man in one hour is 16. tardWomen hold the record for having the most orgasms. The biggest amount of orgasms enjoyed by a woman in 1 hour ever recorded is a pussy shattering 134!

World’s Longest Man Masturbation – 10 hours
A man by the name of Masanobu Sato attended the 2009 World Masturbate-a-thon held by the Center for Sex & Culture in San Francisco and set the world record for longest session by jerking it for 9 hours and 58 minutes. He came all the way from Japan just for the event, armed with a wide variety of sexual aids, and the record he was beating was his own. Last year he set the record with 9 hours and 33 minutes.


Most Semen Swallowed
Having swallowed the most amount of semen ever officially recorded Michelle Monaghan had 1.7 pints (0.96 liter) of semen pumped out of her stomach in Los Angeles in July 1991. Although as men we’d like to give this young lady a Hi-5, we know this is probably something she won’t want to tell her kids.


Most Sexual Partners
The Fokkens Twins, ~177,500 each.

Fokkens Twins oldest prostitutes 355,000 sex partners
Fokkens Twins oldest prostitutes 355,000 sex partners

Our ladies are two of the oldest living members of the world’s oldest profession. Louise and Martine Fokkens are 70-year-old twins who were both prostitutes in Amsterdam’s red light district for 50 years. They claim they had sex with 355,000 men combined in their run, or about 177,500 each. That roughly comes out to 10 men a day each (assuming they took two weeks of vacation every year).

World’s Biggest Gang Bang – 919 guys in the same day

LISA SPARXXX Gang Bang 919 menLisa Sparxxx (born October 6, 1976) is a noted American pornographic actress. She had sex with 919 guys in a single day, setting a world record. Specifically, it occurred during Eroticon 2004, a Polish convention that celebrates exactly what its title suggests, as part of the Third Annual World Gangbang Championship. This wasn’t just some publicity stunt either; the coveted “World Gang Bang Record” had changed “hands” back in 2002 and 2003, when the number reached was 646 and 759, respectively.


The World’s Luckiest Man

worlds-luckiest-man-101-porncoversThe male gangbang world record goes to porn actor Jon Dough who worked himself over 55 women in one day. He had 5 to 6 ejaculations. Actually, he was supposed to have had intercourse with at least 101 women, but he did the other 46 two weeks later. This masterpiece porn movie is called World’s Luckiest Man.

The record of the man who has had intercourse the most frequently goes to a man who was recorded to have had intercourse about 52,000 times over a period of 30 years. This means he had intercourse on average 33.3 times a week!


World’s Oldest Prostitute 82-year-old
Prostitution is commonly known as the world’s oldest profession. Meanwhile police in Tai Pei estimate an 82 -year-old nicknamed “Grandma” to be the oldest living, working prostitute. Chiu went into the business about 40 years ago, after a man she had lived with for two decades died. She stays in the business charging ten or twenty times less than others prostitutes.


Amy Winehouse semen allergy or crystal meth
Amy Winehouse butterface cause. Semen allergy or crystal meth?

Most Violent Semen Reaction
In one case reported in 1967 a girl had an acute allergic reaction to human sperm. She came from a family with a long history of various kinds of allergy, including eczema, asthma, and dermatitis. A short time after her first sexual experience she developed a rash and asthma; her lips, eyelids, tongue, and throat became swollen, she had violent pains in the pelvis and finally lost consciousness. Most of these symptoms appeared every time she had sexual intercourse: they began within half an hour and lasted well into the next day. When semen diluted one part per million was injected under her skin it left an angry weal, so intense was the girl’s reaction.


Fastest achieved male orgasm
6.4 percent of males are able to climax in less than a minute. Getting called a two minute man is a blow to anyone’s ego. Just remember, there’s plenty of faster “draws” than you.


Youngest parents
Shaun Steard, England, was 12 years old when he got the world record for being the youngest father, but it is believed that there are younger undocumented fathers out there.

The youngest girl to give birth was 5-year-old Lina Medina, born in Peru in 1933. Incredibly this girl began menstruating at age 3, and despite being impregnated in the “usual” way, has never revealed who the father is. Her father was arrested and imprisoned on suspicion of incest, but was later released due to lack of evidence. The baby was delivered by caesarean because Lina’s hips were too narrow.


Most penis removals (13,000)
In 1300 BC, King Menephta from Egypt came home from battle after successfully beating the Libyans. To celebrate his success, he asked his men to chop off the penises of each member of the defeated army. He arrived home with 13,000 penises. His ancient monument at Karnak has a detail of which penis belonged to whom — Libyan generals, Libyans, Sirculians, Etruscans, and Greeks.


Most children fathered (1,042)
Moulay Ismail Ibn Sharif, Morocco, set this sex record in the 17th century when he added a whopping 1,042 recorded offspring to his harem of about 500 wives. He had been a busy boy — what with all those weddings, births and, no doubt, a few funerals. If you’re wondering who this guy is, he was the second ruler of the Moroccan Alaouite dynasty. He is known as a great figure in Moroccan history, but not only for his contribution to the birth statistics; he contributed to the lasting respect of Moroccan independence.

World’s Most Prolific Mother (69 babies)
Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), was a peasant from Shuya, Russia. Though not noteworthy himself, his first wife, Valentina Vassilyeva, set the record for most children birthed by a single woman. She gave birth to total of 69 children; however, few other details are known of her life, such as her date of birth or death. She gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets between 1725 and 1765, in a total of 27 births. 67 of the 69 children born survived infancy. The modern world record for giving birth is held by Leontina Albina from San Antonio, Chile. Now in her mid-sixties, she claims to be the mother of 64 children. Of these, 55 are documented. The mother with the greatest number of kids that are not tiwns is Livia Ionce. This Romanian woman, 44, gave birth to her 18th child in Canada in 2008.

World’s Oldest Father – 90-year-old
The world’s oldest father has done it again, fathering a child for at least the 21st time, at the age of 90. Indian farmer Nanu Ram Jogi, who is married to his fourth wife, boasts he does not want to stop, and plans to continue producing children until he is 100. Mr Jogi admits he is not certain how many children his series of four wives have borne him – but counts at least 12 sons and nine daughters and 20 grandchildren.


Highest sexual expenses incurred
When it came to busting a nut, Louis the 15th didn’t shy away from throwing a few stacks at his hoes. Some of the major items apart from board and lodging on a luxurious scale – were indemnities paid to families, dowries for those who were married off, the maintenance of illegitimate children, presents to the élèves, and the particular expense of Mere Bompart. It has been estimated that in the thirty-four years of its existence the Parc aux Cerfs cost nearly 20 million dollars, or around $600,000 a year.


World’s Strongest Vagina – lifts 31 lbs with her vagina
Meet Tatiata Kozhevnikova, the 42-year-old Russian woman with the world’s strongest vagina. No, seriously, she broke records to attain that title. Incredibly enough, she lifted 14 kilograms worth of weights– almost 31 pounds– to achieve such notoriety. She has been exercising her intimate muscles for fifteen years, and has already made her entrance into the Guinness Book of Records as the possessor of the world’s strongest vagina. “After I had a child, my intimate muscles got unbelievably weak. I read books on Dao and learned that ancient women used to deal with this problem using wooden balls,” she said.

Sex Facts

1. A woman is more likely to want to commit adultery during ovulation than at any other time in her cycle.

2. Telling a convincing lie to someone is much more difficult when you find them sexually attractive.

3. Minute quantities of over 30 different substances have been identified in human semen. These include nitrogen, fructose, lactic acid, ascorbic acid, inositol, cholesterol, glutathione, creatine, pyruvic acid, citric acid, sorbitol, urea, uric acid and Vitamin B12, along with various salts and enzymes.

4. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the same feel-good chemical responsible for the ecstatic high people experience through sexual attraction and love.

5. Women who have given birth have darker labia minora than women who haven’t.

6. The majority of women experience a peak in libido just before their period.

7. -321°F is the temperature at which sperm banks store donor semen. At this temperature, semen can be stored indefinitely.

8. The point at which the average man reaches his sexual peak is between the ages of 17 and 18.

9. The earth could be re-populated to its current level using the number of sperm that could fit into an aspirin capsule.

10. A chicken egg could accommodate the number of female ova necessary to repopulate the earth to its present numbers.

11. During sexual intercourse, in addition to the genitals and breasts, the inner nose also swells.

12. White women are the most likely to engage in anal sex, particularly if they also have a college degree.

13. During erection, a smaller flaccid penis tends to have a greater percentage increase than a larger flaccid penis.

14. A teaspoon of semen contains approximately 5 calories.

15. Sex burns off an average of about 100 calories per session.

16. On average, from two to five million sperm are released each time a man ejaculates.

17. During any given period, women who read romance novels have a tendency to have twice as many lovers as those who don’t.

18. Almost a third of all women over 80 years of age still have sex with their spouse or boyfriend.

19. For both men and women, the heart rate averages 140 beats per minute at the point of orgasm.

20. The average woman will have sex more than 3,000 times over the course of her reproductive years.

21. Most men under 40 years of age can achieve an erection in less than 10 seconds.

22. Heterosexual anal sex is something 43% of women have experienced.

23. Women consider penis size the ninth most important feature for a man, while men rate it much more highly, in third place.

24. When a man ejaculates, the initial spurt travels at 28 miles per hour – faster than the world record for the 100m sprint, which currently stands at 22.9 miles per hour.

25. In one hour, the average sperm can swim seven inches.

26. With nothing in its path, a penis can shoot semen anywhere from 12 to 24 inches.

27. The longest erect penis on record was 13 inches. The smallest was 1cm.

28. There are 20 male masochists for every female masochist.

29. The average adult testicle contains enough sperm to measure a quarter of a mile laid out end to end.

30. For 75% of men, ejaculation occurs within 3 minutes of penetration.

31. During an average man’s lifetime, he will ejaculate approximately 17 litres of semen, which amounts to about half a trillion sperm.

32. The testes increase in size by 50% when a man is sexually aroused.

33. Australians are the most receptive to the idea of having a threesome – 28% of them claim to have tried it.

34. 1 in 50 people claim to have had sex in an aeroplane.

35. 15% of adults have had sexual intercourse at work.

36. 41% of men would like to have sex more frequently. Only 29% of women share this urge.

37. Greek couples have sex an average of 138 times a year – placing them at the top of the world sex league. Japanese couples have sex just 45 times a year, which puts them in last place.

38. 5% of adults have sex once a day. 20% have sex 3 – 4 times per week.

39. Every time they engage in oral sex with their partner, 30% of women swallow.

40. When sexually aroused, 60% of men get erect nipples.

41. Half of single women have sex by the third date.

42. 80% of men living in the USA have been circumcised.

43. Women over 40 years of age are more likely to masturbate than any other group.

44. There’s a direct link between how often a man has sex and his life expectancy.

45. According to experts, sex is about 10 times more effective as a tranquilliser than Valium.

46. Sex can relieve a headache – it releases the tension, which restricts blood vessels in the brain.

47. 44% of women find it impossible to enjoy sex with a man who is not their intellectual equal. Just 31% of men share this problem.

48. There are about 1,000 recognised euphemisms for ‘vagina’ in the English language.

49. At any given time, 25% of people are daydreaming about sex.

50. Over half of American adults have used the phone, email or text message to have sex.

51. According to studies, the larger a man’s testicles, the more likely he is to stray.

52. 75% of Japanese women own a vibrator. The average worldwide is 47%.

53. It takes two tablespoons of blood to get the average man’s penis erect.

54. During their lifetime, the average driver will have sex in their car six times.

55. Americans spend twice as much money on pornography as they do on biscuits.

56. The clitoris contains twice as many nerve fibres as the penis – a toe-curling 8,000.

57. One in five women living with their boyfriend has more than one sexual partner.

58. Besides humans, bonobos (a type of chimp) and dolphins are the only animals that have sex for pleasure.

59. It tends to be easier for women to orgasm during ovulation than at any other time in their cycle.

60. The size of the vagina decreases by 30% as orgasm becomes imminent.

61. While giving birth, some women have been known to experience orgasm.

62. Inside the female body, sperm cells can survive for up to nine days.

63. For up to 70% of women, simultaneous direct stimulation of the clitoris during intercourse is essential for them to reach orgasm.

64. Over 30% of men suffer from premature ejaculation. 10% of men are affected by erectile dysfunction.

65. It’s possible to relieve depression through masturbation.

66. The longer a man’s ring finger is compared to his index finger, the more testosterone he has.

67. The average aroused vagina is 4 inches long – shorter than the average erect penis, which measures in at 6 inches.

68. The average woman can reach orgasm in about 4 minutes through masturbation, while through intercourse, it can take 10 – 20 minutes.

69. Sneezes, along with orgasms, are the only physiological responses that cannot be voluntarily stopped once they have started.

70. Straight men tend to have smaller penises than gay men.

71. 85% of women are very satisfied with their partner’s penis size.

72. Evidence exists indicating that penis size may be linked to index finger length.

73. In rare cases, menstrual cramps have been known to bring about orgasm.

74. The amount of wet dreams a man is likely to have increases in line with the number of years spent in formal education.

75. Compared to anywhere else, adults are more likely to tell a lie in bed.

76. The majority of women prefer to have sex in the dark.

77. Men find women with enlarged pupils more sexually attractive.

78. When having sex, black women are 50% more likely to reach orgasm than white women.

79. 60% of non-smoking women have had no sexual partners in the past year, while 70% of women who smoke have had more than four lovers over the same timescale.

80. Women who are prone to migraines tend to have a higher sex drive than those who are not.

81. Thirty four per cent of men have told lies in order to have sex. Ten per cent of women have done the same.

82. More than 50% of all cheating wives choose married men as their lovers.

83. About 1% of women can achieve orgasm solely through breast stimulation.

84. Within the week, 22% of women tell at least five friends about their first sexual experience with a partner.

85. 70% of men and women admit to having fantasised about someone else while having sex.

86. Two thirds of runners admit to having thought about sex while running.

87. 68% of men and 59% of women had a sexual liaison with someone in their past, which they have not told their current partner about.

88. An overwhelming majority of sexual partners have only skimpy knowledge of what truly turns each other on.

Les 5 bienfaits du sperme sur la santé des femmes

Avec des qualités nutritionnelles intéressantes, ses propriétés anti-âge établies et son rôle d’antidépresseur pour les femmes, le sperme est définitivement bon pour la santé. À tel point que certains chefs le cuisinent ou le transforment en cocktail.

De nombreuses études prouvent les bienfaits du sperme pour la santé des femmes. La semence masculine influerait sur notre humeur ainsi que sur le vieillissement, en plus d’avoir des qualités nutritionnelles.

Le sperme, antidépresseur naturel

Le sperme, plus efficace qu’une association Lexomil-chocolat ? Selon des chercheurs de l’université d’Albany aux États-Unis, les femmes ayant des rapports sexuels non protégés, donc étant en contact avec le sperme de leur partenaire, étaient plus heureuses que les autres. Et pour cause : riche en substances antidépressives comme la mélatonine, la prolactine et la sérotonine, le sperme régule l’anxiété après un contact vaginal ou oral.

Avalé, le sperme protège du cancer du sein

En Californie du Sud, un sondage réalisé auprès de 15 000 femmes âgées de 25 à 45 ans opposait pratiquantes assidues de la fellation et abstinentes convaincues. L’étude a démontré une prévalence de femmes atteintes du cancer de type hormonal dans le groupe qui ne pratiquait pas de sexe oral (10,4%) par rapport à l’autre groupe (1,9%). Ainsi, réalisée deux fois par semaine, la fellation permettrait de réduire le risque de cancer du sein de 40%.

La semence masculine, un atout antivieillissement ?

Les scientifiques autrichiens Tobias Eisenberg et Franck Madeo ont mené des recherches sur la spermidine, présente dans le sperme, qui a un effet positif dans la lutte contre le vieillissement des cellules. Pour les chercheurs, c’est « en quelque sorte le Graal sacré contre le processus du vieillissement des cellules », qui permet en prime de protéger de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Elle pourrait aussi stimuler la croissance des cheveux. La spermidine ne se trouve pas uniquement dans le sperme : le soja et le pamplemousse en contiennent également.

Les qualités nutritives du sperme

La séminophagie (acte d’avaler du sperme) a un intérêt nutritif : si le sperme est composé d’une grande partie d’eau, le reste de sa composition inclut des nutriments essentiels au corps humain : acide docosahexaénoïque (présent dans les oméga-3), des minéraux comme le potassium, le magnésium ou le sélénium. Il contient également de l’alcaline, un brûle-graisse reconnu. Il contiendrait en outre autant de protéines que le blanc d’œuf.

L’art de cuisiner le sperme

Face à tant de bienfaits, certains ont décidé d’exploiter le filon. En 2007, un infirmier de San Francisco publiait un livre de recettes au sperme intitulé Natural Harvest (soit « récolte naturelle »). De son côté, le chef Paul Photenhauer prépare des cocktails à base de sperme aux noms évocateurs (« Macho Mojito », « Prostate Passion »). Pour lui, pas de complexe qui tienne : « Les œufs sont la menstruation des poulets, le lait est la sécrétion mammaire des vaches. Le sperme, au moins il est frais et vous savez qui l’a produit ». Après tout, il n’a pas tort.


Sans oublier que le sperme est excellent pour la peau et les cheveux.

Répendez la bonne nouvelle!

Internet Porn Money

internet was made for porn

  • Every second – $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography.
  • Every second – 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography.
  • Every second – 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines.
  • Every 39 minutes – A new pornographic video is being created in the United States.
  • 89% of porn is created in the U.S.
  • $2.84 billion in revenue was generated from U.S. porn sites in 2006
  • 72% of porn viewers are men
  • 260 new porn sites go online everyday
  • There are close to 24 billion porn sites
  • One in three porn viewers is a woman
  • 8% of all email is pornographic
  • 35% of all Internet download is porn
