Senior Management: the harem kings.
Management: the first wives.
Accounts Support: the inner circle concubines.
Sales Support: the trafficked East European sex slave.
Support Team: the royal penis washers.
Account Managers: the threesome coordinators.
Business Managers: the young dick sucking upstarts.
3.5 billion guys dream of having their own harem and we made that dream come true. Only one can experience this! Personal Harem! This is Czech Harem. The only real harem in the world!Czech harem is every man’s dream coming true. Enter the land of male fantasy! One man and 21 lovely Czech girls, all around 20 years old, all of them young and beautiful; horny and passionate; blondes, brunettes and redheads; slim, long-legged and busty!
But there can be only one lucky guy who gets the harem.. The lucky Czech sultan is this time Libor, the luckiest guy in the world. He is the unlimited master! He is their king.
This is Czech Harem!!!! The biggest reverse gangbang of all times. The one and only!!! This is the biggest fucking party ever! Girls are fighting for the best places, for the places closest to Libor’s cock spitting cum. Everybody wants to be baptized by his life elixir.
The world premiere. Dozens of lovely Czech amateurs and one man! The luckiest man in the world! Brunettes, blondes, redheads. Young and mature. Slim and busty. All beautiful! All horny! One guy and a group of horny women ready to do just anything to make him happy! The biggest reversed gangbang of all times!!! All for one, all on one! Not even real sultans get so much pussy! Czech Harem is the dream of every man coming true in the brightest colors!
Because all of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Zayed Khalifa’s forty wives got their period at the exact same time.
Because Warren Buffet wrongfully said: “If you have a harem of 40 women, you never get to know any of them very well.”
Because Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s had 40 “virgin” female bodyguards.
In the animal kingdom, elephant seal and fur seal powerful males, known as bulls, establish territories and gather harems of up to 40 females, battling their rivals to establish dominance.
Enough said! 40 is a magical number… That’s the reasons why I need 40 wives in my Harem.
What about the Muslim’s 72 Virgins in Jannah (Paradise)?
It’s good to be King… and have 40 Virgin Female Guards.
A Northern fur seal with his Harem of 40 females
You’re wrong Warren. I know all my Girls really well!
Immortan Joe’s Wives / the Five Wives
Mad Max: Fury Road’s Immortan Joe doesn’t have 40 wives but Five Wives locked up inside his fortress behind a re-purposed bank vault door and wearing chastity belts held closed by padlocks is a very interesting concept.
Why bother with sex when you have every fantasy in the world available at one of your hands?
Why going out to find a bitch to have sex with when you can just sit at home, live out your fantasies on the computer and have everything you want night after night?
Time is Money. My Time is my most prescious Currency. So I don’t have time to waste chasing whores. I don’t have time to waste on a girlfriend.
Pornosexuality is about two things. Porn and Masturbation.
Pornosexual is someone who prefer to fap watching porn rather than finding sexual partners.
“If I had the chance to get all the porn I’ve ever wanted since the age of 13. I would have been completely self-sufficient. Saving a lot of money and a lot of trouble by the way.” – PYGOD
Self-sufficiency has always been a dream of communist dictators (Stalin, Mao…)
Who need a girlfriend when you have 30 Perfect Wives?
My Harem of PYGOD‘s wives is my Perfect World of Perfect Women.
Jabba the Hutt is about 600 years old, a Hutt crime lord and gangster who employs a retinue of criminals, bounty hunters, smugglers, assassins and bodyguards to operate his criminal empire. In his palace on the desert planet Tatooine, he keeps a host of entertainers at his disposal: slaves, droids and alien creatures. Jabba has a grim sense of humour, an insatiable appetite, and affinities for gambling, slave girls and torture.
He surrounds himself with scantily-clad slave girls of all species, chaining many of them to his dais.
Princess Leia OrganaOolaMara Jade (Arica)JessDiva ShaliquaRystall Sant
Jabba the Hutt’s Slave Girls?
Jabba the Hut is a fictional character appearing in star wars as the slug alien. He is referred to as a gangster who is naturally ruthless. He lives to be 600 and he is the chief criminal organizer in his town in addition to having slave women. It is estimated he had between 20-30 slave girls.
HAREM, HAREM, HAREM, Girls, Girls, Girls… I’ve always been passionated and fascinated by both. If the Sultans and Emperors of the past could have Harems peupled with hundreds, if not thousands of women. Nowadays, harems are more modest in number. Here are three of the most famous Modern-day Harems.
Prince Jefri
Who he is? Prince Jefri Bolkiah is the brother of the Sultan of Brunei, one of the wealthiest men of all time. So Prince Jefri had access to an unlimited source of money to indulge into his favorite vice. He has a yacht called Tit (the lifeboats are names Nipple 1 and Nipple 2). The Prince was described as a “pathologically narcissistic, a sex addict, and a master collector of women” by one of his Harem Girls.
Name: Prince Jefri’s harem girls
Number: 40 girls, some younger than 16.
Type: beauty queens, fashion models, television stars, Thai teenage hookers, flailing actresses, delusional rock sluts, Playboy Playmates, Penthouse Pets… At one time, he had an ex-Hawaiian Tropic model and a third runner-up Miss USA contestant
Hierarchy: There was a hierarchy in the harem as the girls competed to be “No.1” and “No.2” girlfriend. Tables were arranged by country, with Filipino girls at the top — because the prince’s favorite girl was a Filipino ex-television star named Fiona. There were six Americans, including a Marilyn Monroe look-alike. Rumor had it that the prince was looking to crown his fourth wife, so there was constant, subtle infighting.
Picking: There were 40 girls at a time living in eight guesthouses on “the rotation”, brought in by private plane and helicopter. The girls were tried out and randomly replaced.
Frequency: Slept with up to four women each day.
Pleasure Palace: Lavishly decorated rooms with gold-plated tissue boxes and priceless artwork. Each bedroom was covered in mirrors and everything was filmed with hidden cameras. In an isolated palace on the island of Borneo.
Way to Do: Each night the 40 harem girls would dress up and party with the prince and three or four of his cronies, vying for his attention so he would pick one and disappear with her for a half-hour. The prince usually tested the new talent one at a time, but also liked an occasional threesome or small orgy.
Jillian Lauren was an harem girl at 18
Miss USA Shannon Marketic
Playboy centerfold Rebecca Ferratti
Hugh Hefner
Who he is? Hugh Hefner is the founder of Playboy magazine.
Name: Hugh Hefner’s ‘girlfriends’
Number: between 3 and 15 girlfriends at any one time
Type: All almost identical blonde Playboy models. Good old Hef had twin sisters in his harem at least twice.
Hierarchy: One of the group will be chosen to be Girlfriend No 1. She will share Hefner’s bedroom at all times, while the others are merely visitors.
Picking: Must be a blonde Playboy model.
Frequency: Only twice a week… he is 80 years old!
Pleasure Palace: Some kind of baisodrome inside the Playboy Mansion.
Way to Do: A reverse gangbang with all his girlfriends. Hef is lying on his back with a Viagra pot on his side. His Girlfriend No.1 “prepare” him, all his other girlfriends rides him bareback (no condon) one after the other. His Girlfriend No.1 finish him off.
Crystal Harris current wife Playboy Playmate December 2009
Twin sisters Kristina and Karissa Shannon, aka Miss July and Miss August of 2009
Former Playboy model and original “Girls Next Door” star Holly Madison was involved with Hefner from 2003 through 2008
Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt
Playboy models Sandy Bentley and her twin sister Mandy Bentley, as well as April 2000 Playmate of the Month Brande Roderick.
Who he is? PYGOD is a blogger/webmaster passionate about porn and masturbation.
Type: all porn stars. 14 blondes, 15 brunettes, 1 with red/pink hair. 18 with fake boobs. All with long hair.
23 are American, 4 are European, 1 is Canadian, 1 is Japanese, 1 is Indian
18 have D+ boobs, 12 have C and below. With a boobs size range of AA to HH. Height ranges from 4’11” to 6’0″. Shoe size are from 5 to 10. 2 have freaky big bubble ass. 1 is covered with tattoos. All are bombastic awesome ladies!
Hierarchy: not really, a fixed ranking by seniority and wankability
Picking: Heartfelt and Wankability
Frequency: Jerks-off 1 to 3 times a day
Pleasure Palace: His basement office, his bedroom, and the bathroom.
Way to Do: Jerking off to whatever he damn well pleases
The above book was written by an intelligent, free woman who assume her choice and enjoyed her experience into an Harem… The book below is the opposite. Poorly written by an ungrateful bitch who just try to make some more money on Hef’s back.